Friday, October 19, 2007

My Buddies Come to Visit and Much Much More!

Wow, I don't know how to blog this past week.....I don't want to bore you with too many details and will try to include some humor in the midst but the chemo is apparently raging war on me...I am tired alot of the time but seem to pop back after a little power nap so I am thinking this is a really good thing...thus I try to carry on and do, do, do......strangely enough though, the day ends and I have very little to show for it....perhaps the concentration level is short, everything seems to take just a little longer and I am moving a little slower....people say I look good.....I think I feel good, but once blood levels are bottomed out and I am majorly anemic...this has me bummmed out and stressed out and sitting here typing my blog from my hospital bed!! Now, do NOT get excited. I have what the doctors think is angina but that I know to be an attack brought on by stress. Bottom line is a CT scan, a heart moniter and a nuclear stress test tomorrow and then hopefully I can go home tomorrow afternoon. If only they would double up my zoloft, I think I would be fine...or maybe something as simple as sleep!!! Why is it that the minute you doze off during the day, the mail comes flying through the mail slot and crashes to the floor? or the UPS man hits the doorbell and runs like hell back to his truck? or the Republican Party calls and really wants MY opinion? (oh, and do I give it to them!!!!) I am hoping for a really good sleep tonight only there is a crazy woman down the hall that is screaming "get your hands off me, don't touch me, don't touch me!" They have tied her up, tried sedation and everything short of gagging her and she continues to, wish me luck!

And where did I leave off on my last post.....with the much anticipated upcoming visit of my friends, Alison and Kathie. And yes, they did come and yes we had a wonderful time together....very low-key and no doubt boring moments for them but for me, it was a total luxury to have them here. I did nothing while they mothered me and waited on me. Alison is my gardening friend and she planted all my planters with annuals along with a crop dusting of wildflowers in the back flower beds. Kathie is my skinny friend with a metabolism to covet...she can eat anything and not gain weight, so she got the job of cleaning out the refrigerator...I had to make her do it twice as she only ate the food the first time...then I made her clean the refrigerator itself...I think she found even more goodies the second time around. Then, we had the sheet folding lesson...I know, you think I am crazy but I am going to post pictures as proof of what a king size fitted bottom sheet should and should not look like folded on your linen closet shelf! Kathie is the only person I know that can make this happen and I was determined to learn the trick. Bet you all wish you were there to witness this...LOL

Back to this morning....I had woken up last night to this chest pain and radiating back pain and knowing that I had a early morning doctor's appointment, I decided that I would wait till then and not rush off to the ER. Well, you say chest pain and everyone goes ballistic, so Dr. S. says I have to go to the ER to be admitted and he called ahead to tell them I was coming they wait and they wait and they wait....meanwhile, Kathie, Alison and I, sporting our breast cancer awareness t-shirts and caps, stand on the sidelines cheering on the amazing women walking in the 3-day 60 mile Walk for the Cure! For me, it was a very emotional experience to see all these wonderful women doing something so amazing for a cause they all believed in and have been touched by.....I could only stand there and cry. I cry every time I think about them. We stood there for about an hour and then I checked into the hospital ER where everyone still stood waiting! oops and oh dear....sometimes healing comes in different forms and for me, today, it was being on the sidelines. My love and thanks to each and every one of you women that walked this weekend to find a cure! So, Kathie and Alison spent the rest of the day entertaining me in the hospital prior to Alison's flight home to support team is amazing.

I am posting this tonight and will post pictures tomorrow...I think they must have gagged the "screamer" as it is suddenly very quiet.

Oh, and remember my newest best friend, Daleen, from the airplane? she has her mammogram next Thursday! yeah!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, glad it was a very short hospital stay. It's wonderful that you are up to so many good visitors that apparently keep your spirits up. I participated in our local Race for the Cure this weekend too. Thinking of you all the while! I also had my first mammogram on Thursday. Not nearly as bad as I have always heard. :) Take care and stay out of the looney ward at the hospital. That doesn't sound like a very good neighbor to have while you are supposed to be getting better!
Dawn H.