Diagnosis: costochondritis......once again! ack! the good news today was that my nuclear stress test was perfect...the CT Scan showed no clots....the bad news is that I got no sleep...the wacko started yelling even more at night......threatening to call the police...they had to remove her from the floor (hopefully from the 3rd floor window!), then the Code alerts starting going off, the fire alarms mal-functioned and continued to go off periodically, the nurse came in to surprise with a shot in my stomach (thank you NOT!) and the blood hound came for blood and forgot to remove the tournaquet.....oh that was a fun find this morning! I think she will be getting written up! so......I am happily once again at home enjoying a glass of pinot grigio and ready to curl up and sleep.
Here are the promised pictures. The first if obviously of my childhood friends, Kathie and Alison, sitting with my newly planted pots of annuals. Second is Julie, our massage therapist who walks every year and third are my friends, Janie and her daughter, Tweed, all walking in the 3-day Walk for the Cure. These girls are still walking as I am writing this...thank you dear friends...you are an inspiration! The last pictures are the long awaited "sheet folding" pictures.....LOL....do yours look like the last one???
Love the shot with the sunglasses and no scarf...you look marvelous! Glad you are home from the hospital and yes, as a matter of fact my sheets do look like that...I learned from Martha Stewart and John thinks I'm a nut case for making such a big deal about my neatly folded sheets!
You are going to be tagged on my blog tomorrow 10/25 at 6am PST - go check it out!
happy to see you looking good and home from the horrible ordeal!!! hope you are doing better and have a fun Halloween!!! am thinking of you and hoping things are going ok!!! sending you big ole hugs and smooches Linda
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