Thursday, August 09, 2007

It's an "UN" day......

UN-birthday and UN-LISTED!!!!!!! One of the criteria for getting on the liver transplant list is that you have no infections in your body. Well, Jake has several and needs to get rid of them like NOW! sooooooooo, that is to be the prayer! Let those antibiotics hit their target and get rid of all the infections in his body! Then, he will be allowed to go home AND get on the list! It's all very discouraging at times but he is still in good spirits and we are all positive that he WILL GET A NEW LIVER SOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks to all of the prayers going up in his name.

ok, so it's no longer my birthday but i got some awesome gifties from my friends last night.......i am not sharing them with you yet but trust me.....COOL, WAY COOL!

instead, i will share a crazy piece of art that i made from the frame of a lampshade. I know that most of you won't "get it" and that's ok! it's still what i do and this particular piece has meaning to me......whether you get it or not! the picture in the middle is of my father, aunt and grandparents, the brass stencils are the initials of same, the baby shoe says Dorothy, 6 months, on it, a doll dress belonging to a friend, lace and old flowers and ribbon and some other vintage "ephemera" (look it up)...ok so here it me crazy....

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