Well we have just returned from visiting Jake and April on their 5th wedding anniversary. The picture is of their "gourmet" lunch which was really quite elaborate and courtesy of one of Jake's nurses, Dax. The staff at this hospital is unbelieveable! The equipment is state of the art and the doctors are all transplant specialists...many of whom Jake had 2 years ago when he had his kidney tx.
OK......you no doubt want to know what is wrong...I will try to explain this in layman's language and to the best of my understanding. The culprit and cause of all his infections, sepsis, e-coli, pain and more pain is a blockage in one of the bile ducts leading into the liver. It appeared on the MRI and looks like a large absess. Sooooooooo, that being said what they are going to do is a "procedure" where they insert a tube into the duct and drain off the fluids that are blocking the one side of his liver. This will remain in for several days and hopefully cure the situation. If however, it looks like too much damange has been done to the area, they will either insert a stent or possibly remove a portion of the liver.......and while we hope that this is not required, the liver will regenerate itself and function properly on it's own accord. We are all thrilled to finally have a diagnosis and thankful that he was moved to Tampa General.
They are hoping to celebrat their anniversary by watching the fireworks from his hospital window tonight. We brought April a little celebratory wine so hopefully they will cozy up with relief tonight and both get a good nights rest.
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