Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I don't know where to start so I will just give you the cliff notes. Apparently, I do not have an infection(3 doctors later). I have fluid build-up in the surgery site which is causing major pain. I had the drain tube removed as it stopped draining and had two areas aspirated yesterday....all this to remove the pressure. Has it helped or reduced the pain? NO! Has lortab or morphine helped? NO! I am so "over this"! In addition, my skin is so dry, it feels like I have the shingles...
I am sitting here trying to think of some good's not coming to mind so I will close...grousing all the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I could take away the pain, but I have doubled up my prayers for you to the One who can! Hang in there!
Love, Shirley