Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jake's Home....I'M IN THE HOSPITAL!!!

Where is Dr. House when you need him? April sprung Jake from Tampa General and I wound up in the ER at our local hospital, Morton Plant Mease! The pain was out of control, the onset of lymphedemia and one very swollen area above my collar bone has everyone wondering what is going on….including me. I have had chest x-rays, ultra-sound and CT scans, blood work and cultures all coming back negative. I now have a PICC Line inserted to administer all the pain medication through…..this resulted from numerous hematomas and here is the icing on the cake: a "nurse" inserted a needle into surrounding tissue and not the vein!!! This resulted in all my meds being dumped into my arm tissue and the arm swollen to twice its size! And right now it is killing me so I will this much now and post again later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang....sending prayers and gentle hugs for both you and Jake. Hope they get this figured out soon!