Friday, January 25, 2008

Finally some good news!

This will be a quick post but at least it is good news. I had an MRI yesterday and my radiologist friend, Barbara, was on the ball and following my case. She called to tell me........the tumor is not is in fact bleeding! This could be caused by the chemo doing it's job and breaking down the tumor. While this is not common, it is actually good news for me as they do not think the size has increased. The area around the tumor is swollen with fluids and that is why it hurts. We had a long meeting with my surgeon today and he explained everything to me. I will having a lumpectomy on the 6th and also the removal of the lymph glands...agressive treatment for an agressive tumor......(bad Violet)!!! Anyway, I am scheduled now for another PET scan on the 4th to hopefully find that the chemo has worked it's magic. I also have some suspicious spots on both my liver and lungs...too small to please pray that they have disappeared totally! That would be the best news in the world!

So, please keep in touch with me. I will have my computer with me in Barbados. We fly out early tomorrow morning and will be basking in the sun by 3:30pm. Whoopee!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dottie sweetie,
I don't read blogs too often, but I just caught this post on yours. I just want you to know we continue to say a prayer for you every Fri night at Synagogue (there is a special place in our service where we actually name you out loud...we do you and Julia !), and I am very happy to see where you'll be going on a vacation.
Say Hi to Keith and have a great sunny sure to worry about NOTHING while you're away. Just go & have a great time.
I hear where Sharon is closing...a shame, but happy for her all the same.
Luv ya, SUZE