Well, I just bored myself back to sleep this morning.....and this afternoon again. Love that post-surgical slow motion movie I am living in. Hope I can catch you up a little bit before I feel that urge again. I will skip all the screw-ups I have suffered because it just causes me undue stress and melt-downs...and yes, I DO have meltdowns! Just as an aside, I am now called "honey" and "sweetie" by my surgeons office nurse because I told her nobody in their whole office "cared"!!! LOL
Our house phone is once again out of order.....thank you Bright House!!! This too causes serious frustration! This has meant that none of you have been able to call me and have had to resort to my cell phone. It also meant the home health care nurse could not call me! Well, much to my surprise and delight, she turned out to be both smart and efficient and showed up anyway!!! Smart and efficient!!! Imagine that....both qualities existing in one person! AND a soothing, caring personality!!! I was astounded as I know you must be too. Anyway, she got me back on track and did all her nursy things and then removed my dressings! I was amazed by how good it looked...two incisions that are about an inch to two inches long, a little bruising, a little swelling and a drainage tube. I don't know what I expected but I was pleasantly surprised. This is probably why my doctor (with the inefficient staff) is world reknowned. He is good!
I was expecting to be able to shower today but that isn't going to happen...that's ok...it's the rest of you that have to deal with it. LOL
Pain...nothing unbearable...oxicodone is a wonderful thing...is it 5:30 yet? now, instead of wine, I want my drugs.....only kidding, I would prefer my wine and the pain level isn't bad at all.
Pathology is, of course, in a holding pattern for 7-10 days.
I cannot thank you all enough for all your prayers, cards, gifts, flowers and well wishes. Remember my oldest friend, Alison, who sent me the lobsters for my birthday and came to visit? Well this is a picture of the flowers she sent me with a card saying, "This is the only kind of Violet we want to see again". How clever is that and how beautiful. Thank you dear playpen friend!
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