Wednesday, October 03, 2007

My Flight to Portland, OR

I can't believe this! I had this post almost finished when it flew into cyber space. ack!!! What happened to the automatic save feature? GRRRRRRRRR....
Anyway, as I was saying.....damn, I hate repeating myself....oh well...flying to the west coast makes for a really long day but I was lucky enough to have the bulkhead seat in first class. As I was about to sit down and get comfy, my seatmate coughs.....I freeze and ask if she is, she says she is over her cold and I hesitantly sit and tell her not to breath for the next 4 hours...why did I leave my masks on the counter at home??? a few minutes later, my friend offers me some "airborne" which I am happy to take...anything to avoid getting sick. We start talking and sharing stories and I found out she has never had a mammogram at the age of 43! BAD! BAD! BAD! Those of you that know me, know I jumped all over her and of course shared my story....along with tear and laughs. The result of this is my newest best friend has promised me that she will make her appointment this month and I am charged with seeing that she does it. I have her permission to ride her case in the meantime. I hopefully allayed her fears of a painful experience and assured her that this was something she needed to do each and every year. Here is the best part. As we are talking, Daleen tells me that she saw me in the waiting area and wondered if I was a movie star!!!!!! I laughed and told her about "the look" thing and shared my story of the sunglasses. I tried to talk her out of her beautiful Coach scarf but she didn't fall for it! I at least got to try on the scarf and decided at that point to take off my scarf and go with the baldie look...very freeing coming out of the closet like that! LOL Daleen then says she is going to watch a movie on her little I-Pod...guess what movie? Breakfast at Tiffanys....she says it is her favorite and I had to laugh and tell her that Audrey Hepburn is my role model for "the look".

To make this day even better I had a woman stop me and tell me I looked beautiful and another group of women sharing magazine articles and stories with me....again THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS! I am rattling on but it was a happy day and Daleen and I plan to keep in touch and meet up some day in Tampa when she flies in on business.

So now I am in Portland with my bestest little buddy Paula. We always pick up right where we left off...our mission and criteria for everything is F-U-N!!! (thus the name of my blog) We had our first class yesterday at Art and Soul and loved it. We started a quilt project that is really a memory quilt made with vintage ephemera and family pictures. I will share photos when I get home. Today we are taking a bracelet class with again lots of vintage ephemera on it.

More later.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun....a weekend with your best friend spending time creating. I've always wanted to go to an Art & Soul event and one of these days I'm going to have make the time to do it.

And to encourage to seatmate on the flight to Portland to get a mammogram is a wonderful thing. It's amazing how many women put this test off.

Looking at the photos on your blog I have to say I do love your scarves. They are so very stylish accompanied with your hats.

Enjoy your time with Paula! :)