What a beautiful sight as I flew out of Portland! Paula and I had a wonderful time together, as always! We laughed and cried and knitted and purled and created F-U-N memories along the way...lots of quiet time just enjoying each other's company...as only best friends can do...who could ask for more? I had a fabulous week and miss my little buddy already!

The flight home was fine....American Airline's does make good chocolate chip cookies!!!! I slipped on board with 3 carry-ons and didn't get caught.....being too cheap to pay the extra $80 for the third bag, I just played "dumb bald lady" and charged forward like I was the female Forest Gump. Finally touched down in Tampa and my honey was waiting for me...always a sight for sore eyes. We made a quick detour to the hospital to visit Jake...he just spent a couple of days in Morton Plant for dehydration and is home again tonight!, and then on to home.......and my beautiful flowers! My DH is the best! I had flowers, a t-shirt and a wonderful book waiting for me when I walked in the door! I think he missed me!
I will post a few more pictures......the bracelet we made in Keely Barham's class, my extravagant purchases from Sally Jean and all the loot I picked up along the way!

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