Yesterday was the Race for the Cure in NYC and my friend, Linda and a group of her co-workers formed a team and walked for ME!!! Can you imagine that? I don't even know these gals. I just had to share the pictures with you. In the team picture, Linda is on the very right. And then look at that precious, adorable baby...so sweet. I hope she never hears the word breast cancer in her lifetime. AND, check out the biker girls. I know this was a set-up and I am hysterical over it! I am hoping to walk in one of our local events with my two oldest friends, Alison and Kathie in October. And so, thus started my day......tears!
Here's the good news, I went to a "Look Good, Feel Better" seminar put on by the American Cancer Society. I got myself all made up and looking good and promptly got handed about $200 worth of facial products and was told to cleanse my face! The girl then proceeded to teach us all the tricks of the trade when it comes to make-up, wigs, scarf-tying etc. and we got to make ourselves up all over again! It was truly amazing to see the transformation of the baldest girl in the room...make-up and wigs and she was truly beautiful! THEN..... I talked to a gal that had buzzed her head just yesterday and this is what she told me. She said her husband had wanted her to do it on Saturday but she was feeling like it wasn't her timing so she let it go....she woke up Sunday morning and set up a chair in her backyard and told her husband "ok", do it.........and, are you ready? "let the birds make a nest from my hair" she said.......oh my gosh, more tears......more tears just writing about it. I think I will do the same thing....to me that was just very very cool. And oh my gosh, this gal was the prettiest bald headed girl I have ever seen. So, as I cry, we all cry.....so much for the newly applied make-up! It was not water-proof! The day continued to be fun....lunch with my dear friend Dee, a little retail therapy at Steinmart where I found two cool Russian type fur hats for my trip to Portland and an return home to find even more kindnesses in the mail! xoxoxox to my dear "Reese" (my children's first babysitter!) and also to the best periodontist and staff in the world, Dr. K's Team! I love you! and Kath, the scarf is perfection! You are the best!
And then, the bottom falls out of my world when I discover that Jake is back ICU! Hopefully this will be a short stay as he hates the nurses in ICU. He has determined that since they deal mostly with patients that are virtually comatose, they have NO bedside manner and no sympathy for pain! He had, what they call a "procedure" today verses surgery which he had two days ago....one is under anesthesia and one is just that lovely twilight sleep thing. I won't go into the details...suffice to say he is doing better tonight and he actually called me. Keith went up to see him and assures me he will be ok. We need to get this boy infection free and home! Then he can be listed for that transplant!
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