Thursday, August 30, 2007

Remember the Kindness of Strangers!

I had a really busy day that didn't get underway until 11:00 this morning so I got to enjoy my friends at Panera for a couple of hours. While I was there a striking woman walked in and she was wearing the coolest pair of sunglasses. Of course I had to find out where she got them and try them on and all that.....cause they really had that "attitude" look...and well, she couldn't remember where she got them. I was heartbroken and told her that I would just have to find them because I was starting chemo today and I was going to be wearing really funky scarves and hats and I absolutely needed "drop-dead gorgeous" sunglasses to complete the "look". This woman then took off her sunglasses and gave them to me!!!! I of course melted into tears and she wished me luck and vanished out the door. I don't even know her name! I am hoping to do some detective work and find out who she is. Can you believe that? People are so kind and I am feeling truly blessed each and every day!

So, on that happy note, I trotted off to have my brain scan and my heart pumped with a nuclear IV cocktail and get these tests done and read and on my doctors desk by my 1:00 appointment. The results arrived while I was in with the doctor and it was the best news! No cancer cells in the brain and a good strong heart! Relief!!! And then on to the chemo room and really not much to tell except to say it only lasted an hour and a half and all went well. I feel just fine tonight and plan to continue to feel good. My spiffy little port is a medical miracle and worked perfectly. Tomorrow I just have to go in and get a shot to keep my white blood cell count up and then 3 weeks from today I have my second dose. The war is on...Defeat, Destroy and Conquer! That motto came from my good friend Mike who did just that!

I am so far behind in everything but want you all to know that I will answer all of your wonderful, encouraging emails...thank you all so much. I love you all!

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