Saturday, October 13, 2007

Shrinking VIOLET!

Well, you all know that I am not a shrinking violet!! Violet is the name I have given to my tumor.....and she IS shrinking!!! I went to the doctor on Thursday after having a PET scan on Wednesday and the news was good. The chemo is working and both the size and density of the tumor has decreased along with the density of the involvement in the lymph nodes! So, we are doing the happy dance around here. I proceeded to have my third round of chemo and am feeling fine so far....the fatigue usually sets in on the second or third day so this weekend will probably be spent resting up......cause next week my two childhood buddies, Kathy from Venice, FL and Alison from Maine, come to visit for a few days. I can't wait!

Jake is still at home and managing pretty well....still very fatigued and thin but he sure looks good...especially to his Mama!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dottie,
Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. do look very glamourous.
~Catherine (Charlotte, formally Ozona)

Anonymous said...

Yippee! So happy to hear the good news!